Don't have a BeeBonds account yet?
They are talking about BeeBonds.
With BeeBonds, discover and invest free of charge in local projects and benefit from attractive returns on your savings.
Don't have a BeeBonds account yet?
Are you already an investor?
You receive an annual interest payment (on average 7.7% gross) for a fixed period of 2 to 5 years, depending on the project. At the end of the project, you recover your entire initial investment.
Here's an example:
You invest €10,000 in a 3-year project offering a return of 8% gross per year (illustration).
The total amount you will have received will therefore be €12,400, which is €2,400 more for your savings (before withholding tax).
Don't have a BeeBonds account yet?
Nearly 2,000 investors have helped to finance 56 projects for more than 57 million euros since the BeeBonds Platform was created.
The Bonds offered are debt instruments. Making a loan to an SME exposes you to the risk of losing all or part of your investment. For individuals resident in Belgium for tax purposes, the interest received is subject to a withholding tax of 30%. Before investing, please read the information note relating to the project.
It's simple: the amount that the company has to repay to investors at a high rate represents only a small part of the project's financing (around 20%).
The company pays:
- To the bank: a low rate but for a high amount;
- To the investors: a high rate but for a much lower amount. So the company can pay high yields to investors without putting the project at financial risk.
For each bond, the 'coupon' is the regular income generated by each bond based on the interest rate paid to bondholders.
Interest is paid once a year on the anniversary date of the bond issue.
The amount paid is based on the rate set out in the information memorandum.
Interest is paid directly into your bank account (entered in your investor profile).
The capital is repaid on the maturity date of the bond set out in the prospectus.
Funded companies are obliged to provide quarterly reports informing you of the progress of the project.
You can consult this information on the BeeBonds platform (in the project section).
For individuals resident in Belgium, The 30% withholding tax is deducted at source from the amounts you receive;
As a result, you do not have to report this income on your tax return and you do not have to pay any other tax on this income.
For companies, interest is paid gross.
All investments entail risks* The projects proposed by BeeBonds are analysed by a team of experts (financial and legal) and validated by its selection committee. The results of these analyses are included in the information memorandum and the descriptive memorandum for each project (available on the BeeBonds website).
For each project financed on the platform, BeeBonds sponsors a beehive in partnership with the urban beekeepers U Keepers.