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Finance your project in just a few weeks with crowdfunding

BeeBonds enables companies to raise funds from private investors

Financing your project with BeeBonds: What are the advantages?

A fast

Receive your funds in 1 to 3 months

High-quality financial and legal analysis

Your project is analysed by renowned financial and legal experts

Leverage for your financing

Strengthen your financing capacity

Financing :
Conditions for raising funds via BeeBonds

BeeBonds enables companies to finance their projects via the crowdlending mechanism.

Company financing

To submit a file to BeeBondscompanies must demonstrate, in particular

  • An average positive EBITDA over the last three years.
  • A gearing ratio (debt/equity) of less than 60%

Companies from all sectors are eligible for funding via the BeeBonds platform, with the exception of companies belonging to the following sectors:

  • Arms
  • Tobacco
  • Fossil fuels
  • Gambling and betting
  • Nuclear

Property financing

To submit a property application to BeeBonds, developers must propose a project that meets the following conditions: 

  • A fundraising goal of 500,000 euros minimum via crowdlending
  • A project largely financed by a bank loan
  • The crowdfunding sought represents a maximum of 75% of the amount to raised by the developer as required by the bank
  • Planning permission that has been cleared of all appeals

Project selection procedure

Funding application submission
Applications can be submitted using the application form (contact us for details).
Opinion of the Selection Committee
The project is examined by a committee made up of at least two permanent directors and, if necessary, independent consultants with expertise in the relevant fields.
Analysis of legal and financial data
The project promoter provides the information and documents required to draft the Descriptive Note.
Drafting of the Key Investment Information Sheet
This essential document binds the project promoter and is filed with the supervisory authorities.
Launch of the campaign on the platform
The campaign has been launched and investors can start investing on the platform.

Submitting a project

To ensure that your application is processed quickly and efficiently, please submit it online.

Do you have questions?


The project promoter may not be established in an uncooperative country or territory recognised as such by the Union's policy in this area or in a high-risk third country within the meaning of Article 9(2) of Directive (EU) 2015/849.

The amounts must be between €500,000 and €5,000,000.

In general, the term of the loan is 2 to 5 years.

The Project Sponsor must provide a background check that is less than 3 months old.

To analyse the projects, you will be asked to provide the financial and legal information required to process your application.