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February 8, 2022

Rhisnes renovation of a barn rue des Chapelles Vue C 200528 1

Success of the "Les Dames Blanches" fund-raising campaign in Rhisnes: the renovation of an 18th-century barn into 8 luxury maisonettes was financed in just a few minutes!

BeeBonds, the FSMA-accredited Belgian crowdlending platform, has announced the successful fundraising of the property company Créons Ensemble 1, which was offering investors a property project to convert an 18th-century barn into 8 duplex flats in Rhisnes,... Read More "Success of the "Les Dames Blanches" fund-raising campaign in Rhisnes: the renovation of an 18th-century barn into 8 luxury maisonettes was financed in just a few minutes!

Artist's view of a residential building.

In Evere, this property developer is promising homes at "aggressive" prices of between €3,200 and €3,300/m2.

Targeting a greenfield site, the development, named Stroobants after the street on which it is located, has been divided into two phases. Located in the commune of Evere, but very close to Schaerbeek and its railway station, the young Brussels property developer West Stroobants is... Read More "In Evere, this property developer is promising homes at "aggressive" prices of between €3,200 and €3,300/m2.