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Horeca in Brussels: what are the recipes of those who are resisting the crisis?

Sudpresse has published an article written by Tarik Hennen (Senior Marketing & Communications Manager at BeeBonds) and Elisa Brevet (journalist and podcast producer) on trends and challenges in the Brussels catering sector. The recipes of establishments that are resisting the crisis are examined in... Read More "Horeca in Brussels: what are the recipes of those who are resisting the crisis?

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BeeBonds haalt record van 1,5 miljoen euro op

The new BeeBonds crowdlending platform has its first financing round. Het haalde voor BlackReit 1,5 miljoen euro op via obligaties. De vastgoedvennootschap is gespecialiseerd in de overname van patrimoniumvennootschappen die vooral residentieel vastgoed bezitten. Lees het artikel op de website van De Tijd.